They are worth millions of dollars and are not needed by anyone. Abandoned houses of the richest bandits in the world
Huge frightening mansions stand on the outskirts in splendid isolation. Dried giant pools littered with leaves, scattered food in the kitchen, unfinished cups on the sideboard, and even balls on the billiard table show an unfinished game of billiards. If it weren’t for the cracked walls and the incredible amount of dust and cobwebs, one could say that the owners just went out to the store for a while. What happened to their owners?
House of a former drug lord
An abandoned mansion surrounded by snow-white marble columns looks intimidating. Hardly anyone in the near future will want to settle in such a place. People bypass him, because he probably keeps more than one bloody secret. American photographer Chef x Herman was not afraid to wander inside the house and create photographs that shocked the world.
The windows in the house are filled with planks, and therefore its appearance is even more frightening. What happened to its former owner — the story is shrouded in mystery …
Pablo escobar’s mansion
The house of the cocaine king, unlike the previous mansion, carefully preserves the history of its rich owner. The mansion is located in the city of Medellin, Colombia and occupies a huge area — more than a thousand hectares. There is everything you can think of here: your own airport, your own go-karting, and even your own safari.
Goosebumps run through the body when you touch the armored Mercedes of the king of cocaine — it is all riddled with bullets and keeps the secret about the failed assassination attempt on Escobar. In the spaces around the mansion there was a zoo and all the entertainment for someone who the world is unlikely to ever forget.
After the murder of Escobar, the house was subjected to more than one run over by robbers, and then fell into disrepair. Later, a drug lord’s museum was organized in the house, and around the house there was something like an amusement park.
David Findel mansion
The owner of this house went to jail for illegal financial transactions. The FBI searched the house and found hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of property that Findel was hiding from justice. The house with marble columns inside makes a sad sight. Broken glass and vandalized walls in a huge marble hall.
Findel was first given 20 years in prison, but then released on $ 1 million bail. Then he was awarded another 5 years in prison and paid $ 12 million in compensation. While the owner was serving his sentence, the house overtook an evil fate, and it completely burned down.
Biker’s estate
In Peterborough, England, the huge two-story house of the former ringleader of an illegal biker club stands eerily. At one time, the club was one of the most important in the world. Its owner, Robert Palmad, is currently serving a prison sentence for illegal activities and drug trafficking.
The court seized his property as compensation for criminal activity, but Palmad, with the help of lawyers, is trying to get him back. In the meantime, lawsuits drag on, adventure lovers and old abandoned mansions wander around the house.
Abandoned American Mansion
A huge house in Los Angeles with stone arches celebrated its centenary. It was billed for $ 90 million, but never found a new owner. Recently, an interesting event took place in the house, when several dozen artists painted an already terrifying building with no less strange paintings from the inside.
So the house got a new “face”. Although, some believe that such art made the mansion more cheerful.
Crime house
This mansion holds many illegal secrets. An openwork staircase to the second floor, pools, baths and fountains — everything is in dust and desolation. The wealthy lady who owned the mansion was, unfortunately, sick with cancer. The government gave her the go-ahead to grow marijuana on site for treatment.
After her, real estate agents started their drug business here. But when they were discovered by the authorities, the mansion was again empty and still stands frighteningly. It looks more like a government building than a residential building.