Sinister Alcatraz Prison Island or Hell on Earth
It is said about the legendary island that the souls of dead criminals roam on it in the form of ghosts. But first things first.
The island is located in the United States in the bays of San Francisco. The island is isolated, does not intersect with the land, it is washed from all sides by the cold waters of the bay.
The island itself (originally called the island-rock) was discovered in 1775, on which a lighthouse was installed that helped the ships. But the prison itself began its existence precisely as a federal prison for especially dangerous criminals in 1934 and functioned until 1963. At first it was a fortress, then a prison for the military, and then, after strengthening and modernization, it turned into an island prison for especially dangerous criminals. prone to escape. The conditions in the prison were terrible: there was no light in the cells and it was always cold. Of course, there is no heating there, the prison was cold all year round, especially in the basement cells. All cells were single.
Prisoners, chained to the wall or to the floor, often went mad. But the prisoners believed that it was better to go mad than to die at the hands of an elusive mysterious killer who roamed the cells and killed prisoners. They say that one of the prisoners, who was in an isolated cell for 3 days, shouted: — Help!
He claimed that there was a stranger next to him, begged to save him. When the patience of the guards finally came to an end, and they opened the cell door, they found the prisoner dead, and on his body and neck there were inexplicable marks that defied any reasonable explanation.
And this is just one of the many cases that left a mark on the history of the terrible prison.
36 people tried to escape from the sinister prison, but it was unsuccessful. Some were caught, some were shot, and some of the prisoners were drowned in the icy waters. Thus, it was difficult to escape from prison, but there were attempts, although to be precise, 1 attempt may have been successful. This remains a mystery to this day. The fugitives were preparing for the escape for about 2 years, they punched a tunnel through the ventilation pipe, built themselves a raft from rubber jackets and life jackets. On the appointed day, leaving dummies in their place on the beds, they escaped.
But in the end, neither the escaped nor their bodies were found, the fugitives are still considered missing. These are Frank Morris, and brothers John Anglin and Clarence Anglin. These people also did not commit any more crimes, nothing is known about them.
This famous and legendary escape is based on the movie “Escape from Alcatraz”.
The criminal case on the fugitives is still open and will be closed only when the fugitives turn 100 years old. And now, for their capture or information about these people, a reward of 1 million US dollars has been assigned.
Alcatraz prison was completely cut off from the outside world. Neither journalists nor reporters were allowed here. If suddenly the security guard was noticed that he communicated with any of the reporters, he was immediately fired.
Murders were frequent in the prison . After all, the most terrible murderers, robbers and rapists, who were not accepted by other prisons, were serving time here. Al Capone (sentenced to 10 years), George Kelly machine gun (sentenced to life imprisonment), bird-man Robert Stroud (sentenced to 12 years, but later received life imprisonment for the murder of a security guard who brutally mocked him) served time here. , Roy Gardner (the most wanted criminal, for whose head a reward of 5 thousand dollars was offered at that time).
The prison is currently inhabited by wardens and the doors of the prison are open to tourists. The prison is now a museum, but a very dark museum. Psychics often visit the island and all unanimously declare that paranormal phenomena are present here. Then special devices (which capture a large amount of inexplicable energy and vibrations) are starting to go off scale. Then someone feels an incredible sharp cold, as if the whole body is pierced with needles, and then this sensation abruptly passes. In short, there is definitely something there.
Many films have been made about the Alcatraz prison. For example: “Point Blank Shot” (the events take place on the territory of the prison), “The Curse of the Alcatraz Prison”, “X-Men: The Last Stand”, “The Rock” and “First Degree Murder” (here about the escape from Alcatraz).